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New 988 national hotline can save lives
September 27, 2022
September is Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide can impact anyone. Every 40 seconds someone loses their life to suicide – approximately 12 teenagers per day. At Creekside Newspaper, we want to take the opportunity to remind readers that the new suicide hotline number is 988 from any phone. This hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Signs of one being suicidal include talking about wanting to die as well as feeling they have no reason to live, empty or hopeless and withdrawing from friends. However, everyone has their own signs. Most people who who commit this act don’t actually want to die, they just don’t see another way out. They just want to see light in their life once again.
Suicide prevention begins with you. Reach out to the people around you, even if they always seem happy. Remove the danger risks if you know someone in your life is having any of the thoughts listed above. Always know that you are never alone. Know how important you are. Never be afraid to reach out to a friend or trusted adult. Take a break when you need to. Health, especially mental health should always trump work or school. If everyone steps up, we can slowly lower these tragic rates.